
Oral Hygiene Instructions

Prevention is always better than treatment. Maintaining good dental hygiene should be a lifelong everyday habit to keep away most of the dental problems.

Brushing Techniques

  • Always use a soft bristled toothbrush.
  • Place the brush at an angle of 45-degree against the anterior teeth and make circular motion. Usually the anterior teeth are to be brushed vertically; this sweeps plaque out of the gingival pocket.
  • Use short, back-and-forth brushing motions to clean the outside and inside surfaces of the teeth, as well as the chewing surfaces.
  • Follow with up-and-down motions to clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth.
  • The top surfaces of the pre-molars and the molars are to be brushed by horizontal brushing movements.
  • Don’t brush too hard it may cause gingival recession.

Flossing technique

Flossing removes plaque from the sides of your teeth that brushing misses and helps prevent periodontal disease by removing plaque. We recommend that flossing should be used as part of your daily dental care regime.

  • Use an arm length (40 cm) of floss.
  • Wind the floss around the middle fingers of each hand and hold it tight leaving a gap of about 8 cm.
  • Gently glide the floss between your teeth and towards your gum line. Run carefully up and down the side of each tooth forming a “C” shape, taking care to clean under the gum line to dislodge food and plaque.
  • Repeat the process for each space, using a clean section of floss each time.
  • Don’t forget to floss behind your last molar.

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