
Teeth Anatomy

Teeth have three parts

The crown is the portion extending above the gum.

The Neck is where the crown meets the root.

The Root is the part of the tooth that is embedded in bone and holds the tooth in place.

Teeth have three layers:

Enamel: A hard protective outer layer covering the crown of the tooth

Dentine: A second protective layer covering the nerve of the tooth.

Pulp: The soft tissue found in the center of all teeth, where the nerve tissue and blood vessels are.


The periodontium is a group of structures that surrounds the teeth and keeps them in place. It is composed of:

Gingiva: The gingiva is an epithelial and connective tissue that covers the jaw bone and forms a protecting ‘seal’ around the base of the tooth.

Periodontal ligament: Periodontal ligament is composed of bundles of connective tissue fibers that anchor the teeth within the jaws. Destruction of the ligament is a major cause of tooth mobility.

Alveolar process (Bone): It is the part of the jaw bone that supports the teeth.

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